1. Introduction and Scope of the Study -- 2. Overview of U.S. Department of Energy Programs and Planning -- 3. Trends and Issues for Future Coal Use -- 4. The Strategic Planning Framework -- 5. Coal Preparation, Coal-Liquid Mixtures, and Coalbed Methane Recovery -- 6. Clean Fuels and Specialty Products from Coal -- 7. Electric Power Generation -- 8. Technology Demonstration and Commercialization -- 9. Advanced Research Programs -- 01. Conclusions and Recommendations -- App. A: Project Description -- App. B: The Energy Policy Act of 2991 -- App. C: DOE Budget Data -- App. D: Environmental Issues Affecting Coal Use -- App. E: CCT Demonstration Projects -- App. F: Committee Meetings and Activities -- App. G: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
، Coal - United States
Government policy ، Coal - United States
Committee on the Strategic Assessment of the U.S. Department of Energy's Coal Program, Board on Energy and Environmental Systems, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
National Research Council )U.S.(.Committee on the Strategic Assessment of the U.S. Dept. of Energy's Coal Program