Rev. ed. of: Physiology / editors, Robert M. Berne ... [et al.]. 5th ed. c2004
Includes bibliographical references and index
Principles of cell function -- Homeostasis of body fluids -- Signal transduction, membrane receptors, second messengers, and regulation of gene expression -- The nervous system: introduction to cells and systems -- Generation and conduction of action potentials -- Synaptic transmission -- The somatosensory system -- The special senses -- Organization of motor function -- Higher functions of the nervous system -- The autonomic nervous system and its central control -- Skeletal muscle physiology -- Cardiac muscle -- Smooth muscle -- Overview of circulation -- Elements of cardiac function -- Properties of the vasculature -- Regulation of the heart and vasculature -- Integrated control of the cardiovascular system -- Structure and function of the respiratory system -- Mechanical properties of the lung and chest wall: static and dynamic -- Ventilation (V), perfusion (Q), and V/Q relationships -- Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport -- Control of respiration -- Nonrespiratory functions of the lung -- Functional anatomy and general principles of regulation in the gastrointestinal tract -- The cephalic, oral, and esophageal phases of the integrated response to a meal -- The gastric phase of the integrated response to a meal -- The small intestinal phase of the integrated response to a meal -- The colonic phase of the integrated response to a meal -- Transport and metabolic functions of the liver -- Elements of renal function -- Solute and water transport along the nephron: tubular function -- Control of body fluid osmolality and volume -- Potassium, calcium, and phosphate homeostasis -- Role of the kidneys in the regulation of acid-base balance -- Introduction to the endocrine system -- Hormonal regulation of energy metabolism -- Hormonal regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism -- The thyroid gland -- The adrenal glands -- The male and female reproductive systems
"Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this best-selling text now includes major updates to bring you all of the latest knowledge in the field. Honed and shortened to emphasize the core information needed by students of physiology today, it also features a new full-color design and all-new full-color artwork to enhance readability and enrich your comprehension of every concept."