Leon Knopoff, Charles L. Drake, Pembroke J. Hart, editors.
American Geophysical Union,
xi, 522 p.
illus., maps.
25 cm.
American Geophysical Union. Geophysical monograph 12.
International upper mantle project. Scientific report
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council publication 1687.
no. 15
A collection of articles based on papers presented at the Symposium on the Upper Mantle Project which was sponsored by the International Upper Mantle Committee and held during the Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Aug. 1966; with some additional papers from the Geophysics Section of the congress.
Includes bibliographies.
Heat flow in the Sea of Japan / Masashi Yasui ... [et al.] -- Temperature profiles for the continental and oceanic crust / E.A. Lubimova -- Terrestrial heat flow in India / R.K. Verma and Hari Narain -- Statistical analyses of terrestrial heat flow and seismicity of the Pacific Ocean / R.W. Girdler -- A model for the upper mantle with several channels of low velocity and strength / R.Z. Tarakanov and N.V. Leviy -- Foreshocks, aftershocks, and earthquake swarms with special reference to normal seismic activity in and near the Japanese islands / Norio Yamakawa -- Seismicity of island arcs and other arc tectonic regions of the circum-Pacific zone / Setumi Miyamura -- Abyssally generated T phases / Rockne H. Johnson, Roger A. Norris, and Frederick K. Duennebier -- Seismic refraction surveys in British Columbia, 1964-1966 : a preliminary interpretation / W.R.H. White, M.N. Bone, and W.G. Milne -- Variation in the thickness of the crust in the Hawaiian archipelago / Augustine S. Furumoto ... [et al.] -- Seismic refraction study of the internal structure of a volcanic cinder cone / Augustine S. Furumoto and Wm. Mansfield Adams -- Deep seismic soundings in the transition zones from continents to oceans / I.P. Kosminskaya and S.M. Zverev -- On deep structure, properties of the upper mantle, and volcanism of the Kuril-Kamchatka island arc according to seismic data / S.A. Fedotov -- Deep seismic sounding in the vicinity of Sakhalin / S.K. Bikkenina ... [et al.] -- North Pacific sediment layers measured by seismic profiling / John Ewing ... [et al.] -- The transition from ocean to continent from seismic refraction data / Charles L. Drake and John E. Nafe -- Paleomagnetic studies of Indian rocks and continental drift / R.K. Verma and Hari Narain -- Airborne and shipboard magnetic surveys in the West Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan / Takuichi Matsuzaki and Shinkichi Utashiro -- Aeromagnetic survey in northeast Japan / Yoshio Kato, Akio Takagi, and Isao Muroi -- Origin of magnetic anomalies over the central volcanic region of New Zealand / Alexander Malahoff -- Magnetic and tectonic trends over the Hawaiian ridge / Alexander Malahoff and George P. Woollard -- Land gravity survey of the Solomon and Bismarck islands / T.S. Laudon -- The British Solomon Islands : some geological implications of the gravity data, 1966 / J.C. Grover -- Correlation of vertical movement and gravity anomalies in two zones of the Japanese islands / Takeshi Dambara -- The interrelationship of the crust, the upper mantle, and isostatic gravity anomalies in the United States / George P. Woollard -- Geodetic measurements for the study of crustal movements / Charles A. Whitten -- Geothermal and geomagnetic data in and around the island arc of Japan / Seiya Uyeda and Victor Vacquier -- The crust and the upper mantle in the transition zone from the Pacific Ocean to the Asiatic continent / A.G. Gainanov ... [et al.] -- Marine gravity and magnetic studies of the Solomon Islands / J.C. Rose, George P. Woollard, and Alexander Malahoff -- Volcanism as an agent of formation of the earth's crust / E.K. Markhinin -- Chlorine content of volcanic rocks and migration of chlorine from the mantle to the surface of the earth / I. Iwasaki ... [et al.] -- Developments in volcanic gas research in Hawaii / J. Bruce Finlayson, I. Lynus Barnes, and John J. Naughton -- A very ancient island arc / R.E. Folinsbee ... [et al.] -- Some problems of development of the earth's crust and upper mantle of oceans / V.V. Beloussov -- On the nature of the conjugation zone between the Asiatic continent and the Pacific Ocean / B.A. Petrushevsky -- Tectonics of the upper parts of the mantle under geosynclines and island arcs / Yu. M. Scheinmann -- Structure of the folded areas and recent geosynclines of the Okhotsk area / I.K. Tuyezov ... [et al.] -- Some geological problems in the development of Japan and the neighboring island arcs / Masao Gorai -- Integrated Studies of the elastic properties of some Indian rocks / S. Balakrishna and Y.V. Ramana -- Elastic wave velocities in Hawaiian rocks at pressures to ten kilobars / Murli H. Manghnani and George P. Woollard -- Geophysical aspects of the problems of elastic and electrical properties of rocks at pressures up to tens of kilobars / M.P. Volarovich.
Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific area.
Geophysics-- Pacific Ocean.
Earth (Planet), Crust.
Earth (Planet), Mantle.
Drake, Charles L.
Hart, Pembroke J., (Pembroke Jones)
Knopoff, Leon,1925-
International Upper Mantle Committee.
Pacific Science Congress(11th :1966 :, Tokyo, Japan)
Upper Mantle Project Symposium(1966 :, Tokyo, Japan)