Workshop at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, March 24-26,1986
edited by Fritz Melchers, Michael Potter.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xii, 374 pages 156 illustrations)
Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 132.
B-cell Tumors in Transgenic Mice Carrying c-mycSequences --;c-Myc-Induced Lymphomagenesis in Transgenic Mice and the Role of the Pvt-1 Locus in Lymphoid Neoplasia. --;Lymphohematopoietic and Other Malignant Neoplasms Occurring Spontaneously in Transgenic Mice Carrying and Expressing MTV/myc Fusion Genes --;Induction of B-cell Tumors with Retroviral Constructs Containing Oncogenes --;Tumors of Newborn NFS/N Mice Infected with Murine Retroviruses Containing Avian v-Myc --;Induction of Clonal Monocyte/Macrophage Tumors invivo by a Mouse c-myc Retroviruses: Evidence for Secondary Transforming Events --;Induction of Hematopoietic Tumors Using a Viral Construct Containing c-myc cDNA from Normal Mouse Spleen --;Rapid Induction of Plasmacytomas in Mice by Pristane and a Murine Recombinant Retrovirus Containing an Avian v-myc and a Defective raf Oncogene --;Transformation and Insertional Mutagenesis in Vitro of Primary Hematopoietic Stem Cell Cultures --;Induction of B-cell and Other Tumors in Vitro --;Mammalian Cell Transformation by a Recombinant Murine Retrovirus Containing the Avian Erythroblastosis Virus erbB Gene --;Determinants of Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus Pathogenesis --;An In Vitro Model for Tumor Progression in Murine Lymphoid Cells --;Structural Modification of c-abl in Lymphoma and Leukemia --;Transposable Elements and Cancer --;B-Lymphocyte/Plasma Cell Growth Factors, Receptors --;Alpha-type B Cell Growth Factor and Complement Component C3: Their Possible Structural Relationship --;A Growth-Factor Dependent B-Cell Hybridoma --;A Growth Factor Required by Plasmacytoma Cells In Vitro --;Genes Affecting the Production or Action of B Cell-Active Lymphokines --;Lymphokine Regulation of Murine IgE Production --;Interleukin-4 (B Cell Growth Factor-II/Eosinophil Differentiation Factor) is a Mitogen and Differentiation Factor for Preactivated Murine B Lymphocytes --;Role of the LFA-1 Molecule in B Cell Differentiation --;Studies on Transferrin Receptor Expression in Mouse Plasmacytoma Cells --;Structure and Expression of c-myb Protooncogene mRNA in Murine B-Cells --;Chromosome Translocations, Breaks --;Genomic Activity and Translocation in Lymphocytes --;Possible Role of Immunoglobulin Recombination Sequences in the Genesis of Variant t (2;8) Translocations of Burkitt Lymphoma --;C-Myc Activation in Spontaneous Rat Immunocytomas Containing a 6;7 Chromosomal Translocation --;The Molecular Genetics of Human T Cell Leukemias and Lymphomas --;Molecular Genetics of Human B-cell Neoplasia --;C-myc and Functionally Related Oncogenes Induce Both High Rates of Sister Chromatid Exchange and Abnormal Karyotypes in Rat Fibroblasts --;Chromosomal Radiosensitivity During G2 Phase and Susceptibility to Plasmacytoma Induction in Mice --;Biology of B Cell Tumor Development --;Normal and Neoplastic B Cell Development in the Bursa of Fabricius --;Restrictions That Influence Avian Leukosis Virus-Induced Lymphoid Leukosis --;Benign Monoclonal Gammapathy (BMG) --;DNA Rearrangement and Expression of the c-myc Gene in a Human Myeloma --;Inbred Strain Differences Influence the Focal Proliferation of Plasma Cells in Pristane Induced Oil Granuloma --;Molecular Analysis of myc Gene Mutants --;EBV-Virus, Burkitt's Lymphoma --;Induction of fgr Proto-oncogene mRNA in B Lymphocytes as a Consequence of Epstein- Barr Virus Infection --;Epstein-Barr Virus Induced Differentiation of Early B-Lineage Cells --;Epstein-Barr Virus Gene Expression During Primary B-Lymphocyte Infection, in Transformed and Burkitt Lymphoma-Derived Cell Lines --;Structure and Expression of Translocated c-myc Oncogenes: Specific Differences in Endemic, Sporadic and AIDS-Associated Forms of Burkitt Lymphomas --;EBV-Activation of Human B-Lymphocytes --;Regulation of c-myc Expression --;Myc Expression in vivo During Human Embryogenesis --;Expression of c-myc and c-fos During Phorbol Ester Induced Differentiation of B-type Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells --;Regulation of c-myc mRNA and Protein Levels During Activation of Normal Human B Cells --;Differential Expression of N-myc, c-myc and c-src Proto-oncogenes During the Course of Induced Differentiation of Murine Embryonal Carcinoma Cells --;Complex Regulation of c-myc Gene Expression in a Murine B Cell Lymphoma --;Activation of Proto-oncogene Expression by Growth Regulatory Signals --;Biological Effects of High Level c-myc Expression in FR3T3 Fibroblasts --;A Transfected c-myc Oncogene Inhibits Mouse Erythroleukemic Differentiation --;Myc Transcription, Post Transcription --;Altered c-myc RNA Metabolism in Burkitt's Lymphomas and Mouse Plasmacytomas --;Mutations Which Stabilize myc Transcripts and Enhance myc Transcription in Two Mouse Plasmacytomas --;Studies on c-myc Regulation in Normal and Transformed Cells --;Myc Gene Product --;Characterization and Nuclear Localization of the v- and c-myc Proteins --;Characterisation of Human myc Proteins --;Indexed in Current Contents.