An overview of the fundamental concepts of modeling of a dynamic system -- Basic nonlinear equations of motion in three dimensional space -- Linearization and stability of linear time invariant systems -- Aircraft static stability and control -- Aircraft dynamic stability and control via linearized models -- Spacecraft passive stabilization and control -- Spacecraft dynamic stability and control via linearized models -- Transfer function based linear control systems -- Block diagram representation of control systems -- Stability testing of polynomials -- Root locus technique for control systems analysis and design -- Frequency response analysis and design -- Applications of classical control methods to aircraft control -- Application of classical control methods to spacecraft control -- Time domain, state space control theory -- Dynamic response of linear state space systems (including discrete time systems and sampled data systems) -- Stability of dynamic systems with state space representation with emphasis on linear systems -- Controllability, stabilizability, observability, and detectability -- Shaping of dynamic response by control design: pole (eigenvalue) placement technique -- Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal control -- Control design using observers -- State space control design: applications to aircraft control -- State space control design: applications to spacecraft control -- Tutorial on aircraft flight control by Boeing -- Tutorial on satellite control systems -- Tutorial on other flight vehicles
Flight Vehicle Dynamics and Control Rama K. Yedavalli, The Ohio State University, USA A comprehensive textbook which presents flight vehicle dynamics and control in a unified framework Flight Vehicle Dynamics and Control presents the dynamics and control of various flight vehicles, including aircraft, spacecraft, helicopter, missiles, etc, in a unified framework. It covers the fundamental topics in the dynamics and control of these flight vehicles, highlighting shared points as well as differences in dynamics and control issues, making use of the 'systems level' viewpoint. The book begins with the derivation of the equations of motion for a general rigid body and then delineates the differences between the dynamics of various flight vehicles in a fundamental way. It then focuses on the dynamic equations with application to these various flight vehicles, concentrating more on aircraft and spacecraft cases. Then the control systems analysis and design is carried out both from transfer function, classical control, as well as modern, state space control points of view. Illustrative examples of application to atmospheric and space vehicles are presented, emphasizing the 'systems level' viewpoint of control design. Key features: Provides a comprehensive treatment of dynamics and control of various flight vehicles in a single volume. Contains worked out examples (including MATLAB examples) and end of chapter homework problems. Suitable as a single textbook for a sequence of undergraduate courses on flight vehicle dynamics and control. Accompanied by a website that includes additional problems and a solutions manual. The book is essential reading for undergraduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering, engineers working on flight vehicle control, and researchers from other engineering backgrounds working on related topics
Flight dynamics and control of aero and space vehicles.