Pt. 2. Forum. Mae M. Ngai -- Carol M. Swain -- Douglas S. Massey -- Linda Bosniak -- Jean Bethke Elshtain -- T. Alexander Aleinikoff.
Immigration is one of the most hotly contested issues in American politics. Joseph H. Carens grounds the debate in public reason. He argues that unauthorized migrants who have settled in the United States for a significant period of time have become members of society and gained a right to stay. To deny them that right is antithetical to liberal democracy. Carens challenges even the most committed restrictionists to rethink their position. He calls for a statute of limitations on immigration violations and relates stories of long-settled migrants that show the stark moral calculus of social membership. While Carens acknowledges that no moral claim is absolute and that nations have a right to control their borders, he contends that the harm done by the indefinite threat of deportation is disproportionate to the original offense. Six experts--Alexander Aleinikoff, Linda Bosniak, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Douglas Massey, Mae Ngai, and Carol Swain--respond to Carens. In a debate that draws out a full range of views on immigration policy, some argue he goes too far. Others believe his proposal would fail to protect the rights of all immigrants.
Immigrants and the right to stay.
Amnesty-- Government policy-- United States.
Illegal aliens-- United States.
Amnesty-- Government policy.
Emigration and immigration-- Government policy.
Illegal aliens.
Illegale buitenlanders.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Civics & Citizenship.
Politieke besluitvorming.
SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Emigration & Immigration.
United States, Emigration and immigration, Government policy.