Leg injuries to coyotes captured in standard and modified Soft Catch traps
Gruver, Kenneth S.; Phillips, Robert L.; Williams, Elizabeth S.
Leg injuries of coyotes (Canis latrans) captured in standard No. 3 Soft Catch traps were compared with those captured in the same trap type modified with two additional coil springs. One hundred thirteen coyotes were trapped in southern California in conjunction with livestock predator control operations, 53 in standard traps, and 60 in modified traps. Observed injuries were similar in both trap types. The most frequent injuries were edematous hemorrhages and small cutaneous lacerations. Injuries, such as joint luxations and bone fractures, were noted more frequently for coyotes trapped in standard Soft Catch traps.
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Gruver, Kenneth S.; Phillips, Robert L.; Williams, Elizabeth S.