Sex doesn't exist in a vacuum -- Could the trouble be physical? -- Why don't I feel the way I used to feel? -- Taking stock: what are you saying when you are saying no? -- Reclaiming you sexual self -- When is sex right for you? -- Getting your signals straight: it's all about communication -- Sexercises for the mind and body -- Sex for life -- Calling on the professionals.
Affecting your overall well-being and get in touch with lost or neglected sexual feelings. Hormone replacement therapy doesn't have to be the answer. You can reclaim your sexual self and keep desire and passion alive and well by following the proven, reassuring advice in this authoritative guide. Book jacket.
Despite what many so-called experts believe, lack of sexual desire in women does not necessarily indicate a hormonal problem. More often, asserts sex therapist Dr. Kathryn Hall, it means that something is out of balance in our lives. In Reclaiming Your Sexual Self, Dr. Hall reveals how to discover the source of your lack of sexual interest and take charge of your health. Drawing on successful methods she has used in her clinical practice, she helps you identify the imbalances that are.