Expanding your vision -- How do we see? -- Wide-angle lenses -- The full-frame fish-eye lens -- Street zooms -- The telephoto lens -- Macro photography -- Elements of design -- What makes a striking image? -- Line -- Shape -- Form -- Texture -- Pattern -- Color -- Composition -- Filling the frame -- The golden section and the rule of thirds -- No horizon -- The right third -- Diagonals -- Frame within a frame -- Horizontal vs. vertical -- Picture within a picture -- Working your subject Breaking the rules -- The magic of light -- Available light -- The direction of light -- The color of light -- Overcast and rainy days -- Digital photography -- General pluses and minuses of digital -- How I use photo-imaging software -- Career considerations -- What's important -- Why the constant challenge? -- Choosing a theme.
"Creativity is not for the chosen few. This book will help any photographer see things from a new angle and avoid the visual bad habits that lead to dull, uninventive images. Author Bryan Peterson's proven teaching method is simple and highly effective. Using his own impressive photographs as examples, he discusses what makes a successful, exceptional image -- often providing useful "before" and "after" comparisons of his subjects to illustrate his points. Anyone can "see"--But with practice, Peterson's readers will develop a real photographic vision and take better pictures. Book jacket."--Jacket.