Boundary issues: overview: creating the group envelope / Barbara Cohn -- Dilemmas: sizing up the group / Steven Haut, Jeanne Pasternak -- Show me the money / Elaine Jean Cooper, Steven Krugman -- All for one and one for some? / David Hawkins, Victor Schermer -- Difficult patients: overview: treating difficult patients in group / J. Scott Rutan -- Dilemmas: angry Angela and controlling Connie / Anne Alonso, Hillel Swiller -- All about Adam / Arnold Cohen, Elizabeth Shapiro -- Getting our affairs in order / Earl Hopper, Suzanne Cohen -- Complex defenses: overview: unraveling projective identification and enactment / Robert Weber -- Dilemmas: Axis II had me spinning / Hylene Dublin, Kathleen Ulman -- Will the real expert please stand up? / Allan Gelber, Marsha Vannicelli -- Serial scapegoating / David Altfeld, Bonnie Buchele -- Destructive forces: overview: destructive forces in group therapy / Morris Nitsun -- Dilemmas: Cuckoo interrupted / Yvonne Agazarian, Walter Stone -- Does anyone want group? / Nina Fieldsteel, Anthony Joyce -- A sinking depression / Richard Billow, Jerome Gans -- Powerful therapist reactions: overview: containing and using powerful therapist reactions / Eleanor Counselman -- Dilemmas: legally incompetent? / Sally Barlow & Shawn Taylor, Macario Giraldo -- Fear and loathing / Barry Helfmann, Robert Klein -- Tolerating the intolerable / Allan Elfant, Harold Bernard -- Self disclosure: overview: how far should I go? / Joel C. Frost -- Dilemmas: breaking up the family or the fantasy? / Sara Emerson, Gil Spielberg -- If I did it, why can't you? / Marti Kranzberg, Meg Sharpe -- Sharing at the exit / Bernard Frankel, Brenda Smith -- Time-limited group therapy: overview: working with the clock ticking / Ted Powers -- Dilemmas: stand by your stance / Ramon Ganzarain, William Piper -- Manage my stress / Pamela Enders, Arthur Horne -- Containing contagion / Helen Riess, Mark Sorensen.
"Group therapy is a complicated process, and until now the therapist, often faced with complex dilemmas, could find few guidelines for how to intervene. This much-needed compilation addresses a number of these difficult dilemmas, including boundary issues, difficult patients, destructive forces, countertransference reactions, complex patient defenses, therapist self-disclosure, and time-limited therapy. Featuring contributions from more than fifty renowned practitioners, this unique resource blends theory and research with clinical case examples to present a comprehensive picture of a variety of dilemmas - and pathways to their resolution.
Complex Dilemmas in Group Therapy is both a superb learning tool for students and a vital reference volume for clinicians of all levels of experience."--Jacket.