A beautiful math: John Nash, game theory, and the modern quest for a code of nature
Washington, D.C.
Joseph Henry Press
viii, 264 p. : ill
Includes bibliographical references )p.230-247( and index
Tom Siegfried
Smith's Hand Searching for the Code of Nature -- von Neumann's Games Game theory's origins -- Nash's Equilibrium Game theory's foundation -- Smith's Strategies Evolution, altruism, and cooperation -- Freud's Dream Games and the brain -- Seldon's Solution Game theory, culture, and human nature -- Quetelet's Statistics and Maxwell's Molecules Statistics and society, statistics and physics -- Bacon's Links Networks, society, and games -- Asimov's Vision Psychohistory, or sociophysics? -- Meyer's Penny Quantum fun and games -- Pascal's Wager Games, probability, information, and ignorance