:on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Oleg Viro
/ Ilia Itenberg, Burglind Jeoricke, Mikael Passare, editors
New York
: Birkheauser,
, c2012.
xxxi, 464 p. , ill. , 24 cm.
(Progress in mathematics
; v. 296)
Papers from the Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology, held at Stockholm University in May 2008.
Includes bibliographical references.
Preface -- A glimpse into Viro's work -- On the content of this volume -- Program of the symposium -- On the unity of mathematics -- Exotic structures on smooth four-manifolds / Selman Akbulut -- Rational linking and contact geometry / Kenneth Baker and John Etnyre -- Regularity of plurisubharmonic upper envelopes in big cohomology classes / Robert Berman and Jean-Pierre Demailly -- Toward a generalized Shapiro and Shapiro conjecture / Alex Degtyarev -- On the number of components of a complete intersection of real quadrics / Alex Degtyarev, Ilia Itenberg, and Viatcheslav Kharlamov -- Rational SFT, linearized legendrian contact homology, and lagrangian floer cohomology / Tobias Ekholm -- Topology of spaces of S-immersions / Yakov Eliashberg and Nikolai Mishachev -- On continuity of quasimorphisms for symplectric maps / Michael Entov, Leonid Polterovich, Pierre Py, with an appendix by Michael Khanevsky -- On symplectic caps / David T. Gay and Andraas I. Stipsicz -- Cauchy-Pompeiu-type formulas for [partial derivative] on affine algebraic riemann surfaces and some applications / Gennadi M. Henkin -- Remarks on Khovanov homology and the Potts model / Louis H. Kauffman -- Algebraic equations and convex bodies / Kiumars Kaveh and Askold Khovanskii -- Algebraic equations and convex bodies / Kiumars Kaveh and Askold Khovanskii -- Floer homology on the extended moduli space / Ciprian Manolescu and Christopher Woodward -- Projective algebraicity of minimal compactifications of complex-hyperbolic space forms of finite volume / Ngaiming Mok -- Some examples of real algebraic and real pseudoholomorphic curves / Stepan Yu. Orevkov -- Schur-Weyl-type duality for quantized gl(1[l]1), the burau representation of braid groups, and invariants of tangled graphs / Nicolai Reshetikhin, Catharina Stroppel, and Ben Webster -- Khovanov homology theories and their applications / Alexander Shumakovitch -- Tropical and algebraic curves with multiple points / Eugenii Shustin.
Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.)
v. 296
Topology, Congresses
Mathematical analysis, Congresses
Geometry, Congresses
Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology(2008 :Stockholm University)