SIPRI yearbook 2010 : armaments, disarmaments and international security
/Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Oxford, New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2010.
xxiv, 580 p.
: ill., maps
Preface ; Acknowledgements ; Abstracts ; Abbreviations and conventions ; Introduction. International security, armaments and disarmament in 2010 ; 1. A world without nuclear weapons: fantasy or necessity? ; 2. Armed conflict, crime and criminal violence ; Appendix 2A. Patterns of major armed conflicts, 2000-2009 ; Appendix 2B. The Global Peace Index 2010 ; 3. Civilian roles in peace operations ; Appendix 3A. Multilateral peace operations, 2009 ; 4. Euro-Atlantic security and institutions: rebalancing in the midst of global change ; 5. Military expenditure ; Appendix 5A. Military expenditure data, 2000-2009 ; Appendix 5B. The reporting of military expenditure data ; 6. Arms production ; Appendix 6A. The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing companies, 2008 ; Appendix 6B. Major arms industry acquisitions, 2009 ; 7. International arms transfers ; Appendix 7A. The suppliers and recipients of major conventional weapons, 2005-2009 ; Appendix 7B. The financial value of the arms trade, 1999-2008 ; Appendix 7C. Transparency in arms transfers ; 8. World nuclear forces ; Appendix 8A. Global stocks of fissile materials, 2009 ; Appendix 8B. Nuclear explosions, 1945-2009 ; 9. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation ; 10. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials ; 11. Conventional arms control ; 12. Controls on security-related international transfers ; Appendix 12A. Multilateral arms embargoes, 2009 ; Annex A. Arms control and disarmament agreements ; Annex B. International security cooperation bodies ; Annex C. Chronology 2009 ; About the authors ; Errata ; Index