Introduction; Part 1: Mystical Theologies; 1. Mystical Theology and the Traditionalist Hermeneutics of Maybudi's Kashf al-Asrar; Annabel Keeler; 2. The All-Comprehensive Circle (al-Ihata):; Soul, Intellect, and the Oneness of Existence in the Doctrine of Ibn Sab'in; Vincent J. Cornell; 3. One Aspect of the Akbarian Turn in Shi'i Theology; Robert Wisnovsky; 4. Sufism and Theology in the Confessions of ?a?in al-Din Turka Isfahani (d.830/1437); Leonard Lewisohn; 5. A Sufi Theology Fit for a Shi'i King:; The Gawhar-i Murad of Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji (d.1072/1661-2); Sajjad Rizvi; Part 2: Theological Approaches to Sufism; 6. The Mystic and the Sceptic in Fakhr al-Din al-Razi; Ayman Shihadeh; 7. Ibn Taymiyya's Commentary on the Creed of al-hallaj; Yahya Michot; 8. Ibn Kemal (d.940/1534) on Ibn Arabi's Hagiology; Tim Winter; 9. Scriptural Sufism and Scriptural Anti-Sufism:; Theology and Mysticism amongst the Shi'i Akhbariyya; Robert Gleave; 10. Reconciling Sufism with Theology: Abu l-Wafa al-Taftazani; and the Construct of "al-Tasawwuf al-Islami" in Modern Egypt; Andreas Christmann.