Includes bibliographical references (p. 367-370) and index.
Text of Note
Introduction / Loch K. Johnson -- Sources and methods for the study of intelligence / Michael Warner -- The American approach to intelligence studies / James J. Wirtz -- The historiography of the FBI / Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones -- Intelligence ethics : laying a foundation for the second oldest profession / Michael Andregg -- The accountability of security and intelligence agencies / Ian Leigh -- "Knowing the self, knowing the other" : the comparative analysis of security intelligence / Peter Gill -- US patronage of German postwar intelligence / Wolfgang Krieger -- The technical collection of intelligence / Jeffrey T. Richelson -- Human source intelligence / Frederick P. Hitz -- Open source intelligence / Robert David Steele -- Adapting intelligence to changing issues / Paul R. Pillar -- The challenges of economic intelligence / Minh A. Luong -- Strategic warning : intelligence support in a world of uncertainty and surprise / Jack Davis -- Achieving all-source fusion in the intelligence community / Richard L. Russell -- Adding value to the intelligence product / Stephen Marrin -- Analysis for strategic intelligence / John Hollister Hedley -- Cold War intelligence defectors / Nigel West -- Counterintelligence failures in the United States / Stan A. Taylor -- Eجپmigreجپ intelligence reporting : sifting fact from fiction / Mark Stout -- Linus Pauling : a case study in counterintelligence run amok / Kathryn S. Olmsted -- The role of covert action / William J. Daugherty -- The future