edited and and featuring new translations by Stephen M. Trzaskoma, R. Scott Smith, and Stephen Brunet ; with additional translations by other scholars ; an appendix on Linear B sources by Thomas G. Palaima
Includes bibliographical references (pages 479-482) and index
Text of Note
A note to students -- A note to instuctors -- Maps -- Genealogical charts -- Timelines -- Selections: Acusilaus, fragments ; Aelian, Historical miscellany, excerpts ; Aeschylus, fragments ; Andron, fragment ; Antoninus Liberalis, Collection of metamorphoses, selections ; Apollodorus, Library, excerpts ; Archilochus, fragments (translated by A. Miller) ; Arrian, Anabasis, excerpt ; Babrius, Fables, selections ; Bacchylides, selections (translated by A. Miller) ; Bion, Lament for Adonis ; Callimachus, Hymns, selections ; Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus ; Conon, Stories, selections ; Cornutus, Compendium of the traditions of Greek theology, excerpts ; Critias, Sisyphos, fragment ; Diodorus of Sicily, Historical library, excerpts ; Eratosthenes, Constellation myths, selections ; Euripides, fragments ; Fulgentius, Myths, selections ; Hellanicus, fragments ; Heraclitus, Homeric problems, excerpts ; Herodorus, On Heracles, fragments ; Herodotus, Histories, excerpts ; Hesiod, excerpts (translated by S. Lombardo) ; Homeric hymns (translated by A. Lang, updated and modified) ;- Horace, Odes, selections ; Hyginus, Stories, selections ; Longus, Daphnis and Chloe, excerpts ; Lucian, selections ; Lucretius, On the workings of the universe, excerpts ; Ovid, Heroides, selections ; Palaephatus, On unbelievable things, selections ; Parthenius, Sentimental love stories, selections ; Pausanias, Descriptions of Greece, excerpts (translated by J.G. Frazer, adapted) ; Pherecydes, The histories, fragments ; Pindar, Olympians, selection (translated by A. Miller) ; Plato, excerpts ; Plutarch, Life of Theseus, excerpt ; Proclus, summaries of the Cyclic epics ; Sallustius, On the gods and the cosmos, excerpt ; Sappho, fragment (trans. by A. Miller) ; Semonides, fragment (translated by A. Miller) ; Simonides (translated by A. Miller) ; Sophocles, fragments -- Statius, Achilleid, excerpts (translated by N. Zeiner) ; Theocritus, Idylls ; Theophrastus, Characters ; Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, excerpt (translated by P. Woodruff) ; Vergil, excerpts ; Xenophanes, fragments (translated by A. Miller) ; Xenophon, Memorabilia, excerpt ; Linear B sources ; Inscriptions ; Papyri
Text of Note
This volume is designed as a companion to the standard undergraduate mythology textbooks or, when assigned alongside the central Greek and Roman works, as a source-based alternative to those textbooks. In addition to the complete texts of the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod's Theogony, this collection provides generous selections from over 50 texts composed between the Archaic Age and the fourth century AD. Ancient interpretation of myth is represented here in selections from the allegorists Heraclitus, Cornutus and Fulgentius, the rationalists Palaephatus and Diodorus of Sicily, and the philosophers and historians Plato, Herodotus and Thucydides. Appendices treat evidence from inscriptions, papyri and Linear B tablets and include a thematic index, a mythological dictionary, and genealogies. A thoughtful Introduction supports students working with the primary sources and the other resources offered here; an extensive note to instructors offers suggestions on how to incorporate this book into their courses