Translation of: La mente ossessiva : curare il disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo / a cura di Francesco Mancini. 2016.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
The characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the questions it raises / Francesco Mancini, Stefania Fadda and Antonella Rainone -- Goals and beliefs, proximate determinants of obsessive-compulsive symptoms / Francesco Mancini and Francesca D'Olimpio -- Cognitive processes in obsessive-compulsive disorder / Francesco Mancini and Amelia Gangemi -- Answers to the questions raised by obsessive-compulsive disorder / Francesco Mancini and Antonella Rainone -- Cognitive deficits and obsessive-compulsive disorder / Stefania Fadda, Andrea Gragnani, Alessandro Couyoumdjian, Francesco Mancini -- Vulnerability in obsessive-compulsive disorder / Katia Tenore and Barbara Basile -- Introduction to the therapy : the rationale of the intervention / Francesco Mancini and Teresa Cosentino -- Constructing a diagrammatic model for understanding the disorder : objectives, procedure, difficulties / Giuseppe Romano and Roberta Trincas -- Techniques of cognitive restructuring / Andrea Gragnani, Carlo Buonanno and Marco Saettoni -- Disgust and contamination : cognitive anti-disgust interventions / Claudia Perdighe and Francesco Mancini -- Accepting risk : cognitive techniques / Claudia Perdighe, Andrea Gragnani, and Antonella Rainone -- Exposure with response prevention as a practice of acceptance / Olga Ines Luppino and Maria Pontillo -- Mindfulness for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder / Barbara Barcaccia and Alessandro Couyoumdjian -- Intervention to reduce current vulnerability to obsessive-compulsive disorder / Teresa Cosentino, Angelo Maria Saliani, Claudia Perdighe, Giuseppe Romano, Francesco Mancini -- Interventions on historical vulnerability / Katia Tenore and Andrea Gragnani -- Preventing relapses and concluding therapy / Andrea Gragnani and Katia Tenore -- The role of family members in the maintenance of obsessive-compulsive disorder : psychoeducation and psychotherapy / Angelo Maria Saliani, Teresa Cosentino, Barbara Barcaccia, Francesco Mancini -- Treatment traps : underlying beliefs and goals and solutions / Angelo Maria Saliani and Francesco Mancini.
Text of Note
The Obsessive Mind offers a well-defined and comprehensive understanding of obsessive-compulsive disorder and its treatment model. Based on the results of current research, the book offers a psychological perspective on the disorder, a complete presentation of useful strategies and techniques that can be implemented in therapy, and work that can be done with family members of OCD patients, all proposed coherently with the theoretical model of the disorder. It also illustrates the pivotal role of moral goals as proximal psychological determinants of the obsessive symptomatology. The Obsessive Mind can be used by new clinicians to become acquainted with the theory and treatment of OCD, as well as more advanced clinicians to improve their OCD treatment skills and learn new interventions and ways to get out of deadlock in treatment and thereby increase efficacy.