Michaelis-Jena, R. Katharine M. Briggs.--Blacker, C. Animal witchcraft in Japan.--Davidson, H. R. E. Hostile magic in the Icelandic sagas.--Dean-Smith, M. The ominous wood.--Grinsell, L. V. Witchcraft at some prehistoric sites.--Hole, C. Some instances of image-magic in Great Britain.--Newall, V. The Jew as a witch figure.--Parrinder, G. The witch as victim.--Ross, A. The divine hag of the pagan Celts.--Simpson, J. Olaf Tryggvason versus the powers of darkness.--White, B. Cain's kin.--Widdowson, J. The witch as a frightening and threatening figure.--Publications by Katharine M. Briggs (p. 221)
The Witch figure : folker by essay by a group of scolars in england honouring the 75th birthday of katharine M.Briggs.