/ edited by Richard G. Hovannisian and Simon Payaslian.
Costa Mesa, Calif. :
Mazda Publishers,
xxiv, 494 p. :
ill., pics, maps ;
23 cm.
UCLA Armenian Historry and Culture series
: Historic Armenian cities and provinces ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Armenian Constantinople / Richard G. Hovannisian and Simon Payaslian - Constantinople and early Armenian literature / Robert W. Thomson - Byzantine Emperor Philippikos-Vardanes : Monothelite policy and Caucasian diplomacy / Mikaël Nichanian - Armenian elites in Constantinople : Emperor Basil and Patriarch Photius / Manea Erna Shirinian - Patterns of contact and communication : Constantinople and Armenia, 860-976 / Tim Greenwood - Intersection of society, culture, and religion : the Constantinople style and Armenian identity / Ronald T. Marchese and Marlene R. Breu - The Armenian Bible of 1623 and the merchant communities of Constantinople and New Julfa / Ina Baghdiantz McCabe - Cyrus Hamlin and American education for Armenians in Constantinople / Barbara Merguerian - The Armenian community of Constantinople in the late Ottoman Empire / Ohannes Kiliçdagi - Three literary views of Armenian Constantinople and Its Inhabitants / Victoria Rowe - The Balian dynasty of architects / Sarkis Balmanoukian - The musical world of Armenians in Constantinople / Lucina Agbabian Hubbard - Daniel Varoujan and literary heathenism / Souren Danielyan - The Voice of Kostan Zarian : before and after the catastrophe / Vartan Matiossian - The Ottoman Empire and the Armenian intelligentsia in Constantinople, 1908-1915 / Robert Krikorian - The Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Constantinople, 1908-1914 / Dikran Kaligian - La Renaissance and the aftermath of World War I / Herve Georgelin - Redefining Armenian literary identity in Istanbul / Peter Cowe - From Constantinople to Erevan : the odyssey of Vahram Papazian / Robert H. Hewsen - The Armenian oral tradition in Istanbul / Verjine Svazlian - The French connection : Peter Sourian and Constantinople / David Stephen Calonne.
Armenians - Turkey - Istanbul - History.
Armenians - Turkey - Istanbul - Social life and customs.
Armenians - Turkey - Istanbul - Intellectual life.