Elizabethan tragic heroes, by D. J. Palmer.--The Tudor interlude and later Elizabethan drama, by T. W. Craik.-- The Spanish tragedy, or The pleasures and perils of rhetoric, by J. A. Barish.--Marlowe the dramatist, by N. Brooke.--Romantic narrative plays: 1570-1590, by P. Russell.--The formal influence of Plautus and Terence, by R. Hosley.--John Lyly and the language of play, by J. Powell.--The court and the dramatists, by M. Jones.-- Hack-writing and the Huntingdon plays, by J. C. Meagher.-- Ben Jonson: the makings of the dramatist, by E. B. Partridge
English drama - Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600 - History and criticism