/ [edited by] John I. Ingle, Leif K. Bakland, J. Craig Baumgartner
Hamilton, Ontario ;Lewiston, NY
: BC Decker,
, 2008.
xxv, 1555 p.
: , ill. (some col.), ports. , 29 cm. +, 1 DVD (4 3/4 in.)
Rev. ed. of: Endodontics / John I. Ingle, Leif K. Bakland. 5th ed. c2002.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
22. Pharmacological Management of Endodontic Pain / Kenneth M. Hargreaves, ... [et al.] -- 23. The Problem of Anxiety and Fear in Endodontics / Stanley E. Malamed -- 24. Management Considerations for the Medically Complex Endodontic Patient / Bradford R. Johnson, Dena J. Fischer, Joel B. Epstein -- 25. Drug Interactions and Clinical Laboratory Tests / Paul D. Eleazer -- 26. Endodontics Instruments and Armamentarium 26.A. Rubber Dam and Its application / William G. Schindler -- 26.B. Introduction of Nickel/Titanium Alloy to Endodontics / William A. Brantley -- 26.C. Instruments for Cleaning and Shaping / Timothy A. Svec -- 26.D. Electronic Apex Locators / Adam Lloyd, John I. Ingle -- 26.E. Lasers in Endodontics / Adam Stabholz, Joshua Moshonov, Sharonit Sahar/Helft, Jean/Paul Rocca -- 26.F. Visual Enhancement / James K. Bahcall -- 27. Preparation of Coronal and Radicular Spaces / Ove A. Peters, Ravi S. Koka -- 28. Irrigants and Intracanal Medicaments / Markus Haapasalo, Wei Qian -- 29. Root Canal Filling Materials / James David Johnson -- 30. Obturation of the Radicular Space / Fred W. Benenati -- 31. Retreatment of Non/Healing Endodontic Therapy and Management of Mishaps / Alan H. Gluskin ... [et al.] -- 32. Endodontic Treatment Outcome : The Potential for Healing and Retained Function / Shimon Friedman -- SURGICAL PROCEDURES IN ENDODONTICS -- 33. Endodontic Surgery / Gerald N. Glickman, Gary R. Hartwell -- 34. Osseointegrated Dental Implants / Jaime L. Lozada, Alejandro Kleinman -- RELATED ENDODONTIC TREATMENT -- 35. Vital Pulp Therapy / George Bogen, Nicholas P. Chandler -- 36. Endodontic Considerations in Dental Trauma / Martin Trope -- 37. Pathologic Tooth Resorption / Jens Ove Andreasen, Leif K. Bakland -- 38. Tooth Discoloration and Bleaching / Ilan Rotstein, Yiming Li -- 39. Endodontic Therapy for Primary Teeth / J. Todd Milledge -- 40. Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth / Charles J. Goodacre, Nadim Z. Baba -- 41. Operations Management in Endodontic Practice / Martin D. Levin.
1. Modern endodontic therapy / John I. Ingle, Harold C. Slavkin -- 2. History of endodontics / James L. Gutmann -- 3. Ethics, morals, the law and endodontics / Bruce H. Seidberg -- 4. Effects of Dental implants on treatment planning / Mahmoud Torabinejad -- ENDODONTIC PATHOBIOLOGY -- 5. Structure and function of the dentin/pulp complex / Syngcuk Kim, Karin J. Heyeraas, Sivakami Rethnam Haug -- 6. Morphology of teeth and their root canal systems / Blaine Murray Cleghorn, Charles J. Goodacre, William Herbert Christie -- 7. Microbiology of endodontic disease / J. Craig Baumgartner ... [et al.] -- 8. Non/microbial endodontic disease / P.N.R. Nair -- 9. Inflammation and immunological responses / Ashraf F. Fouad, George T. J. Huang -- 10. Mechanisms of odontogenic and non/odontogenic pain / Jennifer L. Gibbs, Kenneth M. Hargreaves -- 11. Non/odontogenic toothache and chronic head and neck pain / Bernadette Jaeger, Marcela Romero Reyes -- 12. Pulpal pathosis / G.R. Holland, Stephen B. Davis -- 13. Periapical lesions of endodontic origin / Zvi Metzger, Itzak Abramovitz -- ENDODONTIC EXAMINATION, EVALUATION, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT PLANNING -- 14. Diagnosis of endodontic disease -- 14.A. Endodontic examination / Robert E. Handysides, David E. Jaramillo, John I. Ingle -- 14.B. Diagnostic testing / James C. Kulild -- 14.C. Laser doppler flowmetry / Asgeir Sigurdsson -- 15. Diagnostic imaging -- 15.A. Endodontic radiography / Richard E. Walton -- 15.B. Digital imaging for endodontics / Allan G. Farman, Ramya Ramamurthy, Lars G. Hollender -- 15.C. Ultrasonic imaging / Elisabetta Cotti -- 16. Radiographic interpretation / Dag ├yrstavik, Tore Arne Larheim -- 17. Rhinosinusitis and endodontic disease / Roderick W. Tataryn -- 18. Endodontic/periodontal interrelationships / Ilan Rotstein, Jim H.S. Simon -- 19. Tooth infractions / Leif K. Bakland -- 20. Vertical root fractures of endodontically treated teeth / Aviad Tamse -- MANAGEMENT OF ENDODONTIC DISEASE -- 21. Treatment of endodontic infections, cysts, and flare/ups / J. Craig Baumgartner, ... [et al.] --
Ingle's endodontics six
Endodontics 6
Dental Pulp Diseases
Ingle, John Ide,1919-
Bakland, Leif K
Baumgartner, J. Craig
Ingle, John Ide,1919-Endodontics
Dental library of Babol university of medical science