Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry.
6th ed. /
[edited by] Harald O. Heymann, Edward J. Swift Jr., Andre V. Ritter.
St. Louis, Mo. :
xv, 548+e190 p. :
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Clinical significance of dental anatomy, histology, physiology, and occlusion / Lee W. Boushell, John R. Sturdevant -- Dental caries : etiology, clinical characteristics, risk assessment, and management / Andre V. Ritter, Terrence E. Donovan, R. Scott Eidson -- Patient assessment, examination and diagnosis, and treatment planning / R. Scott Eidson, Daniel A. Shugars -- Fundamental concepts of enamel and dentin adhesion / Jorge Perdigao, Edward J. Swift Jr., Ricardo Walter -- Fundamentals in tooth preparation and pulp protection / Lee W. Boushell, Theodore M. Roberson, Ricardo Walter -- Instruments and equipment for tooth preparation / Terrence E. Donovan, R. Scott Eidson -- Preliminary considerations for operative dentistry / Lee W. Boushell, Ricardo Walter, Aldridge D. Wilder Jr. -- Introduction to composite restorations / Harald O. Heymann, Andre V. Ritter, Theodore M. Roberson -- Class III, IV, and V direct composite and glass ionomer restorations / Andre V. Ritter, Ricardo Walter, Theodore M. Roberson -- Class I, II, and VI direct composite restorations and other tooth-colored restorations / Andre V. Ritter, Ricardo Walter, Theodore M. Roberson -- Class I and II indirect tooth-colored restorations / Edward J. Swift Jr., John R. Sturdevant, Lee W. Boushell -- Additional conservative esthetic procedures / Harald O. Heymann -- Introduction to amalgam restorations / Lee W. Boushell, Terrence E. Donovan, Theodore M. Roberson -- Class I, II, and VI amalgam restorations / Lee W. Boushell, Theodore M. Roberson, Aldridge W. Wilder Jr. -- Class III and V amalgam restorations / Lee W. Boushell, Theodore M. Roberson, Aldridge W. Wilder Jr. -- Complex amalgam restorations / Lee W. Boushell, Aldridge W. Wilder Jr. -- Class II cast metal restorations / John R. Sturdevant -- Biomaterials / Stephen C. Bayne, Jeffrey Y. Thompson -- Infection control / Ralph H. Leonard Jr., James J. Crawford -- Pain control for operative dentistry / Aldridge D. Wilder Jr. -- Bonded splints and bridges / Harald O. Heymann -- Direct gold restorations / Gregory E. Smith -- Additional information on instruments and equipment for tooth preparation / Terrence E. Donovan, R. Scott Eidson.