V. 02.03: Electrical conductors , V. 02.05: Metallic and inorganic coatings; metal powders, sintered P/M structural parts ,V. 03.03 : Nondestructive testing V. 03.05: Analytical chemistry for methods and analytical procedures , V. 03.06 : Analytical chemistry for metals, ores, and related materials(II): E1763 to latest; molecular spectroscopy; surface analysis , V. 04.01 Cement; lime; gypsum, V. 04.03 : Road and paving materials; vehicle-pavement systems, V. 04.04 Roofing, waterproofing, and bituminous materials , V. 04.06 : Thermal insulation; environmental acoustic , V. 08.01 : Plastics(I): D256-D2343 , V. 08.02 :Plastics(II): D2383-D4322 , V. 08.03 : Plastics(III): D4329-Dlatest , V. 08.04 : Plastic pipe and building products , V. 09.01 : Rubber, natural and synthetic-general test methods ; carbon black , V. 09.02 : Robber products, industrial-specifications and related test methods; gaskets; tires , V. 10.04 : Electrics (I) , V. 10.05 : Electrics (II) , V. 11.02 : Water(II) , V. 11.03 : Atmospheric analysis; occapational health and safety; protective clothing , V. 11.04 : Environmental assessment; hazardous substances and oil spill responses; waste management , V. 11.05 : Biological effects and environmental fate; biotechnology; pesticides , V. 15.01 : Refractories; actived carbon, advanced ceramics , V. 15.04 : Soaps and other detergents; polishes; leather; resilient floor coverings , V. 15.06 : Adhesives