Preparing our nation's youth for success in the 21st century: A case study on the implementation of globalization in educational practices and curriculum
;supervisor: Gothold, Stuart
University of Southern California: United States -- California
: 2011
118 pages
, University of Southern California: United States -- California
The research literature on globalization suggests that the way the world is functioning economically, politically and socially is changing with the advancement of technology. The approach to education that is currently being implemented in United States educational system needs to be restructured to meet the new demands of the 21 st century. The skills that are essential for students to be lucrative for the success of our nation ought to be taught throughout the U.S. educational structure at all levels.Currently there is not a definition of globalization that is being consistently used by school districts and states that define what globalization is and what curriculum and programs are best suited to prepare students for the 21 st century. The outcomes of the students that attend schools that state that they are addressing globalization are not known. Therefore, it is difficult to implement the practices being used in new academic settings.The purpose of this study was to investigate a school that states in its purpose and mission that it addresses globalization. The study set out to identify curricular elements, organizational structures and the associated student outcomes of a globally focused school program.To determine what the curricular elements, organizational structures and student behaviors are being implemented in schools that state that they have a globalized curriculum and are preparing students for the 21 st century, eight USC researchers selected a variety of elementary, middle and high schools to conduct field studies. Each school that was selected met the criteria of being an elementary or secondary schools in California that stated in either its mission statement or philosophy that the school was actively committed to preparing and educating students in a method that supports the globalization of education. The schools selected had to use technology as an instructional and learning tool, fostering foreign language through academic courses or opportunities, they needed to encourage the development of cultural awareness. The school site was required to promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills in its students as well as implementing a global curriculum. The site also had to have international programs, such as partnerships with other schools or businesses to encourage a globalized view of the world.This study took place at 21 st Century Academy (pseudonym) an elementary school is Southern California. The research methodology for this study included document analysis, survey, observation and interviews. After triangulating the data, the researcher concluded that the school was implementing many aspects that supported a globalized curriculum that focused on building the fundamental foundation for students' academic success. At the time of the study, the school was in its early phases of implementing the curriculum and programs, allowing of an in depth study of the execution of a new global program and its organizational structure.The study concludes with the recommendation for the expansion of the elementary school program to secondary and for further research to be conducted on the evaluation of student outcomes and success after attending schools that address globalization as part of the academic curriculum.