The Rebound of the Capitalist State: The Rearticulation of the State–Capital Nexus in the Global Crisis
/ Bastiaan van Apeldoorn
; Naná de Graaff & Henk Overbeek
With the financial crisis and the shockwaves it has sent through the global system many argue that we are witnessing the end of an era: a simultaneous crisis of neoliberal globalization and a crisis of US hegemony in the context of a power shift towards the East and attendant new geopolitical rivalries. The economic crisis has raised the question of whether we are witnessing the transition to a new phase of global capitalism.Many observers have interpreted the turn of events over the past decade as the death struggle of the neoliberal project, and as signaling a return of the state and of statist regulation to the center stage of global capitalism. Indeed, in recent years we have been able to observe two trends that appear to lend support to this notion.