Beowulf; an introduction to the study of the poem with a discussion of the stories of Offa and Finn
3d ed.
Cambridge [Eng.]
University Press,
xvi, 565 p.: illus, plates; 23 cm
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
"Bibliography of Beowulf and Finnsburg": (p. [507]-552); also as footnotes and index
pt. 1. The historical elements. The non-historical elements. Theories as to the origin, date, and structure of the poem.--pt. 2. Documents illustrating the stories in Beowulf and the Offasaga.--pt. 3. The fight of Finnsburg.--pt. 4. Appendix A-1.--pt. 5. Recent work on Beowulf to 1930.--pt. 6. Recent work on Beowulf to 1958. Additional notes.
Offa, King of the mercians, d.796-- In literature
Fight at. finnesburg (Anglo-Saxon poem)
Offa saga
Epic poetry, English (Old)--History and criticism.