[v. 1] Singer, Charles. The scientific views and visions of Saint Hildegard (1098-1180).--Jenkinson, J.W. Vitalism.--Singer, Charles. A study in early renaissance anatomy, with a new text: The Anothomia of Hieronymo Manfredi, transcribed and tr. by A. Mildred Westland.--Crawfurd, Raymond. The blessing of cramp-rings; a chapter in the history of the treatment of epilepsy.--Withington, E.T. Dr. John Weyer and the witch mania.--Levy, Reuben. The 'Tractatus de causis et indiciis morborum', attributed to Maimonides.--Schiller, F.C.S. Scientific discovery and logical proof.--v. 2. Singer, Charles. Greek biology and its relation to the rise of modern biology.--Dreyer, J.L.E. Mediaeval astronomy.--Steele, Robert. Roger Bacon and the state of science in the thirteenth century.--Hopstock, H. Leonardo as anatomist. Tr. from the Norwegian by E.A. Fleming.--Withington, E.T. The Asclepiadae and the priests of Asclepius.--Fahie, J.J. The scientific works of Galileo (1564-1642) With some account of his life and trial.--Cole, F.J. The history of anatomical injections.--Marvin, F.S. Science and the unity of mankind.--Conybeare, F.C. Four Armenian tracts on the structure of the human body.--Singer, Charles. Steps leading to the invention of the first optical apparatus.--Schiller, F.C.S. Hypothesis.--Jenkinson, J.W. Science and metaphysics.--Arber, E.A.N. A sketch of the history of palaeobotany.--Child, J.M. Archimedes' principle of the balance, and some criticisms upon it.--Platt, Arthur. Arist