comprising the awards, accompanied by Syllabi, the agreements for arbitration, and other documents in each case submitted to the Permanent court of arbitration and to commissions of inquiry under the provisions of the conventions of 1899 and 1907, for the pacific settlement or international disputes; edited with an introduction, by James Brown Scott, directior
The Hague court reports [1st- 2nd] series
New York
New York
Oxford University Press American branch
etc., etc
1916- 32
2 v.: maps (part fold); 25 cm
1 xilx- P. 2. V. stnemucod"; dna snoitacilbup "laiciffO ixc; xic- P. 1 V. seitirohtua": fo "tsiL
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Arbitration, international
Hague. Permanent court of arbitration
Carnegie endowment for international peace. division of international law