Daniel K. Slone and Doris S. Goldstein ; with W. Andrew Gowder.
A legal guide to urban and sustainable development for planners, developers, and architects /
Hoboken, N.J. :
xv, 352 p. :ill., maps ;25 cm.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references (p. 338-345) and index.
To suburbia and back : how urbanist law is different / Dan Slone, Doris Goldstein, and Andy Gowder -- Sustainable urbanism / Dan Slone -- Tweaking the system : getting projects built and codes changed within the existing zoning framework / Chris Brewster ... [et al.] -- Changing the rules : new approaches to zoning / Brian Ohm ... [et al.] -- Fiefdoms and fire trucks : overcoming impediments in the subdivision, plat-review, and site-plan processes / Dan Slone -- Retooling the common-interest community / Doris S. Goldstein -- Special building types / Doris S. Goldstein -- Litigation / Andy Gowder -- Federal policy, initiatives, and alliances / Chris Brewster and Matt Lawlor -- Strategies for change / Dan Slone.
City planning and redevelopment law--United States.
Sustainable development--Law and legislation--United States.