A social theory of the nation state :the political forms of modernity beyond methodological nationalism
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;New York :
xii, 193 p. ; 24 cm
Critical realism--interventions
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references
The critique of methodological nationalism : a debate in two waves -- A claim to universalism : breaking the equation between the nation-state and society apart -- Karl Marx : the rise of capitalism and the historical elusiveness of the nation-state -- Max Weber : politics and the sociological equivocations of the nation-state -- Emile Durkheim : moral universalism and the normative ambiguity of the nation-state -- Talcott Parsons : the totalitarian threat to the nation-state -- Raymond Aron, Barrington Moore and Reinhardt Bendix : industrialism and the historicity of the nation-state -- Michael Mann and Eric Hobsbawm : classes, nations and different conceptions of the nation-state -- John Urry and Manuel Castells: globalisation and the "definitive" decline of the nation-state -- Niklas Luhmann and Jèurgen Habermas : world society, cosmopolitanism and the nation-state.