Mortimer J.Adler, editor in chief; Clifton Fadiman, Philip W. Goetz, associate editors
Great books of the Western world
]3rd ed[
Encyclopedia Britannica
61 v.: ill, maps
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مرجع به حساب مي آيد
includes bibliographical refrences and index.
V. 1-2. The syntopicon: an index to the great ideas-- 4.Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes-- 5.The history of Herodotus. The history of the Peloponnesian War/Thucydides-- 9.Hippocratic writings.On the natural faculties/Galen--10.The thirteen books of the Euclid's elements.The works of Archimedes including the method. Introduction to arithmetic/by Nicomachus-- 11.The way things are/Lucretius.The discourses of Epictetus.The meditations of Marcus Aurelius.The six Enneads/Plotinus--15.The almagest/Ptolemy.On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres/Nicolaus Copernicus.Epitome of Corpernican astronomy,IV-V;The harmonies of the world, V /Johannes Kepler--19.The divine comedy/Dante Alighieri.Troilus and Criseyde;The Canterbury tales/Geoffrey Chaucer--21.The prince/Nicol Machiavelli.Leviathan, or,Matter,form,and power of a commonwealth,ecclesiastical and civil/Thomas Hobbes--23.Praise of folly/Desiderius Erasmus.The essays/Michael Eyquem de Montaigne--26.On the loadstone and magnetic bodies/William Gilbert.Concerning the two new sciences/Galileo Galilei.On the motion of the heat and blood in animals;on the circulation of the blood;On the generation of animals/William Harvey--28.Advancement of learning;Novum organum;New Atlantis/Sir Francis Bacon.--31.The school for wives--32.Mathematical principles of natural philosophy;optics--33.A letter concerning toleration--34.Gulliver's travels--35.The spirit of Lows--40.American state papers.The federalist--42.Elements of chemistry-