Advancing leadership theory and practice / Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana -- When does leadership matter? : a contingent opportunities view of CEO leadership / Noam Wasserman, Bharat Anand, and Nitin Nohria -- Revisiting the meaning of leadership / Joel Podolny, Rakesh Khurana, and Marya L. Besharov -- What is this thing called leadership? / J. Richard Hackman -- Leadership through an organization behavior lens : a look at the last half-century of research / Mary Ann Glynn and Rich DeJordy -- Psychological perspectives on leadership / Jennifer A. Chatman and Jessica A. Kennedy -- A clinical approach to the dynamics of leadership and executive transformation / Manfred Kets de Vries and Elisabet Engellau -- Classical sociological approaches to the study of leadership / Mauro F. Guilleجun -- Economists' perspectives on leadership / Patrick Bolton, Markus K. Brunnermeier, and Laura Veldkamp -- An economic perspective on leadership / Mark. A. Zupan -- Leadership and history / Walter A. Friedman -- Power and leadership / Joseph S. Nye, Jr. -- Leadership and cultural context : a theoretical and empirical examination based on project GLOBE / Mansour Javidan ... [et al.] -- Women and leadership : defining the challenges / Robin J. Ely and Deborah L. Rhode -- A contingency theory of leadership / Jay Lorsch -- What is leadership? : the CEO's role in large, complex organizations / Michael E. Porter and Nitin Nohria -- What makes teams of leaders leadable? / Ruth Wagerman and J. Richard
an HBS centennial colloquium on advancing leadership