Research and Extension Division, Natural Resources Management and Environment Dept., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
vi, 125 p. ill. 30 cm.
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Communication and sustainable development / by Jan Servaes and Patchanee Malikhao -- The context of communication for development, 2004 / by James Deane -- Communication for development in research, extension and education / by Niels Roling -- Facilitating dialogue, learning and participation in natural resource management / by Guy Bessette -- Communication for isolated and marginalized groups, blending the old and the new / by Silvia Balit.
selected papers from the 9th UN roundtable on communication for development
Communication in economic development Congresses
Sustainable development Congresses
Conservation of natural resources Congresses
HD76.U55 2004
United Nations Communication for Development Roundtable(9th :2004 : Rome, Italy)
United Nations Communication for Development Roundtable(9th :2004 : Rome, Italy)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Research and Extension Division.