Research for theory and practice : framing the challenge / Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III -- Crossing boundaries to investigate problems in the field : an approach to useful research / Amy C. Edmondson -- Collaborative organization design research at the center for effective organizations / Susan A. Mohrman and Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. -- A ten-year journey of cooperation / Lynda Gratton -- Commentary : walking on three legs / J. Richard Hackman -- Rigor and relevance in organizational research : experiences, reflections, and a look ahead / Philip Mirvis and Edward E. Lawler III -- Can relevance and rigor coexist? / C.K. Prahalad -- Making a difference and contributing useful knowledge : principles derived from life as a scholar-practitioner / Michael Beer -- On knowing and doing : a perspective on the synergies between research and practice / Michael L. Tushman -- Academic-consultant collaboration : doing research across the divide / Ruth Wageman -- Integrating theory to inform practice : insights from the practitioner-scholar / Ramkrishnan )Ram( V. Tenkasi -- Organization development scholar practitioners : between scholarship and practice / Jean M. Bartunek and Edgar H. Schein -- Professional associations : supporting useful research / Wayne F. Cascio -- Sticky findings : research evidence practitioners find useful / Denise M. Rousseau and John W. Boudreau -- Popular and influential management book / George S. Benson -- Commentary : observations concerning "useful research" / Gary P. Latham -- Practitioner perspectives : comments from a panel discussion / David Nadler ... ]et al.[ -- How business schools shape )misshape( management research / Thomas G. Cummings -- Counterpoint : now is a great time for conducting relevant research! / Sara L. Rynes -- On the verge of extinction : some final reptilian thoughts / James O'Toole -- Reflections on research for theory and practice from an engaged scholarship perspective / Andrew H. Van de Ven -- What we have learned / Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler
Research ، Management
Research ، Organization
Research ، Organizational behavior
]edited by[ Susan Albers Mohrman, Edward E. Lawler III