Drivers of innovation, entrepreneurship and regional dynamics
Heidelberg ;New York
xi, 385 p. , ill., maps , 24 cm.
Advances in spatial science
Based on a selection of papers presented at the June 2009 Tinbergen Workshop.
Includes bibliographical references.
Part I: Concepts and models.An endogenous perspective on regional development and growth /Roger R. Stough, Robert J. Stimson, and Peter Nijkamp --Interregional knowledge spillovers and economic growth : the role of relational proximity /Roberto Basile, Roberta Capello, and Andrea Caragliu --Agglomeration and new establishment survival : a mixed hierarchical and cross-classified model /Martijn J. Burger, Frank G. van Oort, and Otto Raspe --Social capital in Australia : understanding the socio-economic and regional characteristics /Scott Baum --Part II Evidence-based analysis : European studies.Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development : a southern European perspective /George Petrakos, Pantoleon Skayannis, Apostolos Papadoulis, and George Anastasiou --Productivity spillovers, regional spillovers and the role of by multinational enterprises in the new EU member states /Marcella Nicolini and Laura Resmini --Determinants of entry and exit : the significance of demand and supply conditions at the regional level /Jenny Grek, Charlie Karlsson, and Johan Klaesson --Creativity and diversity : strategic performance management of high-tech SMEs in Dutch urban areas /Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp --Part III Evidence-based analysis : non-European studies.Modelling endogenous regional employment performance in nonmetropolitan Australia : what is the role of human capital, social capital and creative capital? /Robert J. Stimson, Alistair Robson, and Tung-Kai Shyy --Domestic innovation and Chinese regional growth, 1991-4002 /William Latham and Hong Yin --The spatial dynamics of China's high-tech Industry : an exploratory policy analysis /Junbo Yu, Peter Nijkamp, and Junyang Yuan --Regional psychological capital and its impact on regional entrepreneurship in urban areas of the US /Ryan C. Sutter and Roger R. Stough --Incubators in rural environments : a preliminary analysis /Peter Schaeffer, Shaoming Cheng, and Mark Middleton --Creative, intellectual and entrepreneurial resources for regional development through the lens of the competing values framework : four Australian case studies /John Martin --Regional growth in the United States : correlates with measures of human and creative capital /William B. Beyers --Part IV Outlook and policy.Exploring regional disparities in employment growth /William Mitchell --Regional branching and regional innovation policy /Ron Boschma --Beyond the creative quick fix conceptualising creativity's role in a regional economy /Jane Andrew and John Spoehr.
، Regional economics, Case studies
، Space in economics, Case studies
، Regional planning, Technological innovations, Case studies
Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, Roger R. Stough, editors