Plant virology protocols :from viral sequence to protein function. ]CD[
Totowa, NJ
H umana Press
xx, 677 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Methods in molecular biology,4601-5473 ;154.
Previous ed. 1998
Includes bibliographical references and index
2nd ed
Plant-virus interactions / Peter Palukaitis, John P. Carr, and James E. Schoelz -- Role of capsid proteins / John F. Bol -- Role of plant virus movement proteins / Michael Taliansky, Lesley Torrance, and Natalia O. Kalinina -- Multiple roles of viral replication proteins in plant RNA virus replication / Peter D. Nagy and Judit Pogany -- Role of silencing suppressor proteins / Jعozsef Burgyعan -- Role of vector-transmission proteins / Vعeronique Ziegler-Graff and Vعeronique Brault -- In vivo analyses of viral RNA translation / William R. Staplin and W. Allen Miller -- In vitro analysis of translation enhancers / Aurعelie M. Rakotondrafara and W. Allen Miller -- Identification of plant virus IRES / Sek-Man Wong, Dora Chin-Yen Koh, and Dingxiang Liu -- Analysis of geminivirus DNA replication by 2-D gel / Keith Saunders -- Begomoviruses : molecular cloning and identification of replication origin / Lilian H. Florentino ... ]et al.[ -- Analysis of viroid replication / Ricardo Flores ... ]et al.[ -- Biochemical analyses of the interactions between viral polymerases and RNAs / Young-Chan Kim and C. Cheng Kao -- In situ detection of plant viruses and virus-specific products / Andrew J. Maule and Zoltعan Havelda -- Detection of siRNAs and miRNAs / Sakari Kauppinen and Zoltعan Havelda -- Cloning of short interfering RNAs from virus-infected plants / Thien X. Ho ... ]et al.[ -- Solution structure probing of RNA structures / Marc R. Fabian and K. Andrew White -- RNA encapsidation assay / Padmanaban Annamalai and A.L.N. Rao -- Surface plasmon resonance analysis of interactions between replicase proteins of tomato bushy stunt virus / K.S. Rajendran and Peter D. Nagy -- Biochemical approaches for characterizing RNA-protein complexes in preparation for high resolution structure analysis / Raعul C. Gomila and Lee Gehrke -- Probing interactions between plant virus movement proteins and nucleic acids / Tzvi Tzfira and Vitaly Citovsky -- Movement profiles : a tool for quantitative analysis of cell-to-cell movement of plant viral movement proteins / Kateryna Trutnyeva, Pia Ruggenthaler, and Elisabeth Waigmann -- Analysis of siRNA-suppressor of gene silencing interactions / Lعorant Lakatos and Jعozsef Burgyعan -- Phosphorylation analysis of plant viral proteins / Kristiina M. Mغakinen and Konstantin I. Ivanov -- Analysis of interactions between viral replicase proteins and plant intracellular membranes / Hعelعene Sanfaگcon and Guangzhi Zhang -- Membrane and protein dynamics in virus-infected plant cells / Michael Goodin, Romit Chakrabarty, and Sharon Yelton -- Site-directed mutagenesis of whole viral genomes / Li Liu and George P. Lomonossoff -- Viral protein-nucleic acid interaction : south )north(-western blot / Huanting Liu -- Protein-protein interactions : the yeast two-hybrid system / Deyin Guo, Minna-Liisa Rajamغaki, and Jari Valkonen -- NMR analysis of viral protein structures / Andrew J. Dingley, Inken Lorenzen, and Joachim Grغotzinger -- Localization of viral proteins in plant cells : protein tagging / Sophie Haupt, Angelika Ziegler, and Lesley Torrance -- Construction of infectious clones for RNA viruses : TMV / Sean N. Chapman -- Construction of infectious cDNA clones for RNA viruses : turnip crinkle virus / Eugene V. Ryabov -- Construction of infectious clones for DNA viruses : mastreviruses / Margaret I. Boulton -- Construction of infectious clones of double-stranded DNA viruses of plants using citrus yellow mosaic virus as an example / Qi Huang and John S. Hartung -- Insertion of introns : a strategy to facilitate assembly of infectious full length clones / I. Elisabeth Johansen and Ole S gaard Lund -- Analysis of cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of apple latent spherical virus in infected plants using green, cyan, and yellow fluorescent proteins / Tsubasa Takahashi and Nobuyuki Yoshikawa -- Agroinoculation : a simple procedure for systemic infection of plants with viruses / Zarir E. Vaghchhipawala and Kirankumar S. Mysore -- Geminivirus : biolistic inoculation and molecular diagnosis / Anعesia A. Santos ... ]et al.[ -- Expression microarrays in plant-virus interaction / Kristina Gruden ... ]et al.[ -- Genome-wide screens for identification of host factors in viral replication / Tadas Panavas ... ]et al.[ -- Phosphorylation of movement proteins by the plasmodesmal-associated protein kinase / Jung-Youn Lee -- Virus-induced gene silencing as a tool to identify host genes affecting viral pathogenicity / Xiaohong Zhu and S.P. Dinesh-Kumar -- Yeast two-hybrid assay to identify host-virus interactions / Stuart A. MacFarlane and Joachim F. Uhrig