edited by Can Baskent, Lawrence S. Moss, Ramaswamy Ramanujam
Springer International Publishing
XIV, 359 p. 28 illus., online resource.
Outstanding Contributions to Logic,2211-2758 ;11
Series: Outstanding Contributions to Logic,2211-2758 ;11
Chapter 1. Editors Preface -- Chapter 2. Juliet Floyd: Parikh and Wittgenstein -- Chapter 3. Prashant Parikh: Vagueness, Communication and the Sorites Paradox -- Chapter 4. Robert van Rooij: Nonmonotonicity and Knowability: As knowable as possible -- Chapter 5. Jan van Eijck and Philip Elsas: What is Money? -- Chapter 6. Dominik Klein and Eric Pacuit: Focusing on Campaigns -- Chapter 7. Can Baskent: A Non-classical Logical Approach to Social Software -- Chapter 8. Joseph Halpern: Why Bother with Syntax? -- Chapter 9. Johan van Benthem: Talking about Knowledge -- Chapter 10. Maduka Attamah, Hans van Ditmarsch, Davide Grossi, Wiebe van der Hoek: The Pleasure of Gossip -- Chapter 11. Gabriel Sandu and Silviu Velice: Modeling Monty Hall in IF Logic -- Chapter 12. Amy Greenwald, Jiacui Li, Eric Sodomka: Solving for Best Responses and Equilibria in Extensive-Form: Games with Reinforcement Learning Methods -- Chapter 13. Juoko Vaananen. The Logic of Approximate Dependence -- Chapter 14. Melvin Fitting: On Height and Happiness -- Chapter 15. Konstantinos Georgatos: Epistemic Conditionals and the Logic of Subsets -- Chapter 16. Dexter Kozen: On the Coalgebraic Theory of Kleene Algebras with Tests -- Chapter 17. Vaughan Pratt: Aristotle, Boole and Categories -- Chapter 18. Noson Yanofsky: Galois Theory of Algorithms -- Chapter 19. Parikhs Closing Remarks. This book discusses major milestones in Rohit Jivanlal Parikhs scholarly work. Highlighting the transition in Parikhs interest from formal languages to natural languages, and how he approached Wittgensteins philosophy of language, it traces the academic trajectory of a brilliant scholar whose work opened up various new avenues in research. This volume is part of Springers book series Outstanding Contributions to Logic, and honours Rohit Parikh and his works in many ways. Parikh is a leader in the realm of ideas, offering concepts and definitions that enrich the field and lead to new research directions. Parikh has contributed to a variety of areas in logic, computer science and game theory. In mathematical logic his contributions have been in recursive function theory, proof theory and non-standard analysis; in computer science, in the areas of modal, temporal and dynamic logics of programs and semantics of programs, as well as logics of knowledge; in artificial intelligence in the area of belief revision; and in game theory in the formal analysis of social procedures, with a strong undercurrent of philosophy running through all his work. This is not a collection of articles limited to one theme, or even directly connected to specific works by Parikh, but instead all papers are inspired and influenced by Parikh in some way, adding structures to and enriching Parikh-land. The book presents a brochure-like overview of Parikh-land before providing an introductory video on the sights and sounds that you experience when reading the book.