Flood pulsing in wetlands : restoring the natural hydrological balance
New York, NY
xii, 308 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references
edited by Beth A. Middleton
Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1 The Flood Pulse Concept in Wetland Restoration --Beth A. Middleton --Chapter 2 Flood Pulses and Restoration of Riparian Vegetation -- in the American Southwest --Julie C. Stromberg and M. K. Chew -- Flood Patterns and Riparian Vegetation in the Desert Southwest / 21 -- Flood Pulses and Riparian Restoration / 02 -- Conclusion / 14 --Chapter 3 The Role of the Flood Pulse in Ecosystem-Level Processes -- in Southwestern Riparian Forests: A Case Study from -- the Middle Rio Grande --Lisa M. Ellis, Clifford S. Crawford, and Manuel C. Molles Jr -- An Altered River: The Case of the Middle Rio Grande / 35 -- Consequences of the Altered River: Some Obvious Problems / 75 -- Research at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge: Floods, Fire, -- and the Litter Connection / 66 -- Fire: Its Relationship to Flooding and Litter Buildup / 97 -- The Future: Restoration of the Flood Pulse / 88 --Chapter 4 The Role of the Flood Pulse in Maintaining Boltonia -- decurrens, a Fugitive Plant Species of the Illinois River -- Floodplain: A Case History of a Threatened Species --M. Smith and P Mettler -- The Flood Pulse and Boltonia decurrens / 211 -- Adaptations to Cyclical Flooding / 221 -- Alteration of the Flood Pulse / 521 -- Restoration of the Flood Pulse to the Illinois River Valley / 231 -- Protection for B. decurrens Under the Endangered Species Act / 331 -- Policies and Prospects for the Future / 631 --Chapter 5 Conservation and Restoration of Semiarid Riparian -- Forests: A Case Study from the Upper Missouri River, -- Montana --Michael L. Scott and Gregor T Auble -- Introduction / 641 -- Riparian Forests in Dry Regions / 841 -- The Upper Missouri River, Montana: A Case Study / 151 -- Conclusions / 181 --Chapter 6 Implications of Reestablishing Prolonged Flood -- Pulse Characteristics of the Kissimmee River and -- Floodplain Ecosystem --Louis A. Toth, Joseph W. Koebel Jr., Andrew G. Warne, and Joanne Chamberlain -- Hydrogeomorphology of the Kissimmee River Basin / 391 -- Flood Pulse Ecology / 302 -- Restoration of the Flood Pulse / 502 -- Restoration Expectations / 802 -- Conclusions / 612 -- Chapter 7 Flood Pulsing in the Regeneration and Maintenance -- of Species in Riverine Forested Wetlands of the -- Southeastern United States --Beth A. Middleton --Hydrologic Reengineering of Forested Wetlands / 422 -- Regeneration Problems for Plant Species on Floodplains -- with Altered Hydrology / 922 -- Restoration Approaches / 262