edited by Ludmila Isurin, Donald Winford, Kees de Bot
Philadelphia, Pa.
John Benjamins Pub. Company,
xviii, 364 p. ill.
Studies in bilingualism,0928-1533 ;v. 41
Psycholinguistic studies. Empirical approaches to the study of code-switching in sentential contexts / Jeanette Altarriba and Dana M. Basnight-Brown ; Language selection and performance optimisation in multilinguals / Renata F. I. Meuter ; The neurocognition of switching between languages: a review of electrophysiological studies / Janet G. van Hell and Marijt J. Witteman ; Sources of triggering in code switching / Kees de Bot, Mirjam Broersma and Ludmila Isurin ; Triggered code switching: evidence from Dutch-English and Russian-English bilinguals / Mirjam Broersma, Ludmila Isurin, Sybrine Bultena, and Kees de Bot ; Two speakers, one dialogue: an interactive alignment perspective on code-switching in bilingual speakers / Gerrit J. Kootstra, Janet G. van Hell, and Ton Dijkstra ; Language interaction as a window into bilingual cognitive architecture / Viorica Marian -- Sociolinguistic and linguistic studies. Trying to hit a moving target: on the sociophonetics of code-switching / Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio ; Which language? Participation potentials across lexical categories in codeswitching / Janice L. Jake and Carol Myers-Scotton ; Adjectives and word order: a focus on Italian-German codeswitching / Katja Francesca Cantone and Jeff MacSwan ; On the unity of contact phenomena and their underlying mechanisms: the case of borrowing / Donald Winford ; Codeswitching as one piece of the puzzle of language change: the case of Turkish yapmak / Ad Backus ; Transfer and code-switching: separate territories but common concerns on the border / Terence Odlin.