Political legitimacy, cultural leadership, and public action / Lee Artz -- Banal militarism and the culture of war / Tanja Thomas and Fabian Virchow -- National security strategy and the ideology of preventive war / Elisia L. Cohen -- Foreign policy, public diplomacy, and public relations : selling America to the world / Sue Curry Jansen -- The problem with patriotism : steps toward the redemption of American journalism and democracy / Robert Jensen -- Culture as persuasion : metaphor as weapon / William B. Hart II and Fran Hassencahl -- The invisible ally : marketing Australia's war in Iraq / Andrew Jakubowicz and Liz Jacka -- The construction of Arabs as enemies : post-9/11 discourse of George W. Bush / Debra Merskin -- The political rhetoric of sacrifice and heroism and U.S. military intervention / Timothy Cole -- "The great American bubble :" Fox News channel, the "mirage" of objectivity and the isolation of American public opinion / Adel Iskandar -- Pre-emptive strikes on the cultural front : big radio, the Dixie Chicks, and homeland insecurity / Matthew A. Killmeier -- The mass media, politics, and warfare / Christian Fuchs -- Might makes right : news reportage as discursive weapon in the war in Iraq / Michael Gasher -- Journalists embedded in culture : war stories as political strategy / Heinz Brandenburg -- The power of public reporting : the independent media center's challenge to corporate media / Lisa Brooten