Critical issues in ecclesiology: essays in honor of Carl E. Braaten
Grand Rapids, Mich
W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co
"Bibliography of the publications of Carl E. Braaten 1962-2010": p. 215 - 232."Bibliography of the publications of Carl E. Braaten 1962 - 2010": p. 215 - 232
edited by Alberto L. Garcia and Susan K. Wood
Carl / Robert W. Jenson -- The bride of Christ / Robert W. Jenson -- Ecumenism and atonement: a critical issue in ecclesiology / Gabriel Fackre -- "Rome, Reformation, and reunion" revisited / Frank C. Senn -- Evangelicals and the present ecumenical moment / Timothy George -- The cross - shaped church: a Pauline amendment to the ecclesiology of koinonia / Joseph L. Mangina -- Freedom, authority, and the priesthood of all believers / Michael Root -- The ecclesial meaning of the eucharist / Susan K. Wood -- The local church: a critical point of departure for a world ecclesiology / Alberto L. Garcia -- Lutheran principles for ecclesiology / Cheryl M. Peterson -- The imperative for unity and the question of division / James M. Childs -- More promise than ambiguity: pneumatological christology as a model for ecumenical engagement / Leopoldo A. Sanchez M