Tradition, authority, magisterium : dead end or new horizon? / Christopher A. Hall -- Old books and contemporary faith : the Bible, tradition and the revewal of theology / Brian E. Daley -- Similis et dissimilis : gauging our expectations of the early fathers / D.H. Williams -- The "pagan" background of patristic exegetical methods / Michael Graves -- The quadriga or something like it : a biblical and pastoral defense / Peter J. Leithart -- Irenaeus and Lyotard against heresies, ancient and modern / Nicholas Perrin -- Hospitality : ancient resources and contemporary challenges / Christine D. Pohl -- Crumbs from the table : Lazarus, the Eucharist and the banquet of the poor in the homilies of John Chrysostom / George Kalantzis -- "They alone know the right way to live" : the early church and evangelism / Alan Kreider -- Embodying the wisdom of ancient liturgical practices : some old-fashioned rudimentary euchology for the contemporary church / John D. Witvliet -- Apatheia and atonement : Cyril of Alexandria and the contemporary grammar of salvation / Paul I. Kim -- Two Augustinianisms : Augustinian realism and the other city / D. Stephen Long -- Emerging from what, going where? : emerging churches and ancient Christianity / Jason Byassee
Congresses ، Evangelicalism
Congresses ، Church renewal
Congresses ، Church history - Primitive and early church, ca. 03-006