The age of jihad: Islamic State and the great war for the Middle East
New York
Originally published: Chaos and caliphate. New York : OR Books, 2016
Includes index
Patrick Cockburn
Part 1. Afghan prelude -- The overthrow of the Taliban, Afghanistan, 1002 -- Part 2. The occupation of Iraq, Iraq, 0991-3002 -- Iraq under sanctions, Iraq, 3002 -- Regime change, Iraq, 3002 -- Resistance, Iraq, 4002 -- Bombs and ballots, Iraq, 5002 -- Civil war, Iraq, 6002-7 -- Drawdown, Iraq, 7002-01 -- Part 3. Afghan reprise -- The return of the Taliban, Afghanistan, 9002-2102 -- Part IV: The Arab Spring -- Mission creep, Libya, 1102 -- The "Somalianisation" of Libya, Libya, 2102-41 -- Yemen in the crossfire, Yemen, 9002-51 -- Sectarian venom, Bahrain, 1102 -- Part 5. Syria: Revolution and counter-revolution -- From revolution to sectarian war, Syria, 1102-31 -- Syrian catastrophe, Syria, 3102-41 -- Part 6. Birth of a caliphate -- Ten years on, Iraq, 3102 -- Iraq on the brink, Iraq, 3102-4102 -- The Islamic State expands, The Caliphate, 4102 -- The Islamic State remains, The Caliphate, 4102-5102 -- Life in the Caliphate, The Caliphate, 5102 -- The Islamic State at bay, The Caliphate, 5102-6102 -- Afterword : Eight wars
Chaos and caliphate
، IS )Organization(
، Jihad
، Arab Spring, 0102-
Journalism, Military ، Iraq War, 3002-1102
Journalism, Military ، Afghan War, 1002-
History -- 12st century ، Middle East
Politics and government -- 12st century ، Middle East