Reprinted of Oxford ;New York: Oxford University Press, 2007
pt. I. Theoretical and methodological issues. Methods in bioethics / James Childress ; The way we reason now: reflective equilibrium in bioethics / John Arras ; Autonomy / Bruce Jennings ; Mental disorder, moral agency, and the self / Jeanette Kennett ; 'Reinventing' the rule of double effect / Daniel Sulmasy - pt. II. Justice and policy. Policy-making in pluralistic societies / Soren Holm ; Tiers without tears: the ethics of a two-tiered health care system / Benjamin J. Krohmal and Ezekiel J. Emanuel ; Justice and the elderly / Dennis McKerlie - pt. III. Bodies and bodily parts. Organ transplantation / Ronald Munson ; Biobanking / John Harris and Louise Irving ; For dignity or money: feminists on the commodification of women's reproductive labour / Carolyn McLeod - pt. IV. The end of life. The definition of death / Stuart Youngner ; The aging society and the expansion of senility: biotechnological and treatment goals / Stephen Post ; Death is a punch in the jaw: life-extension and its discontents / Felicia Nimue Ackerman ; Precedent autonomy, advance directives, and end-of-life care / John K. Davis ; Physician-assisted death: the state of the debate / Gerald Dworkin - pt. V. Reproduction and cloning. Abortion revisited / Don Marquis ; Moral status, moral value, and human embryos: implications for stem cell research / Bonnie Steinbock ; Therapeutic cloning: politics and policy / Andrea Bonnicksen - pt. VI. Genetics and enhancement. Population genetic research and screening: conceptual and ethical issues / Eric Juengst ; Enhancement / Thomas Murray ; Genetic interventions and the ethics of enhancement of human beings / Julian Savulescu ; Pharmacogenomics: ethical and regulatory issues / Matthew DeCamp and Allen Buchanan - pt. VII. Research ethics. Clinical equipoise: foundational requirement or fundamental error / Alex John London ; Research on cognitively impaired adults / Jason Karlawish ; Research in developing countries / Florencia Luna ; Animal experimentation / Alastair Norcross - pt. VIII. Public and global health. The implications of public health for bioethics / Jeffrey Kahn and Anna Mastroianni ; Global health / Ruth Macklin ; Bioethics and bioterrorism / Jonathan Moreno