v. 1. The philosophy of Schopenhauer / edited with an introduction by Irwin Edman.- v. 2. Avicenna : his life and works/ by Soheil M. Afnan.- v. 3. The philosophy of Hume : as contained in extracts from the first book and the first and second sections of the third part of the second book of the treatise of human nature / by Herbert Austin Aikins.- v. 4. The philosophy and theology of Averroes / tractata translated from the Arabic by Mohammad Jamil-Ur-Rehman.- v. 5. Jeremy Bentham : his life and work / by Charles Milner Atkinson.- v. 6. Sartre : his philosophy and psychoanalysis / by Alfred Stern.- v. 7. St. Thomas Aquinas and medieval philosophy / by D.J. Kennedy.- v. 8. Bertrand Russell and the passionate skeptic / by Alan Wood.- v. 9. The death of Socrates : an interpretation of the platonic dialogues : euthyphro, apology, crito and phaedo / by Romano Guardini ; translated from the German by Basil Wrighton.- v. 10. John Stuart Mill : a study of his philosophy / by Charles Douglas.- v. 11. The philosophy of Plato / by Raphel Demos.- v. 12. The principles of Descartes' philosophy / by Benedictus De Spinoza ; translated from the Latin, with an introduction by Halbert Hains Britan.- v. 13. The conduct of life : the ethics of confucius / by Miles Menander Dawson.- v. 14. Selections from the writings of Kierkegaard / by L.M. Hollander.- v. 15. What is living and what is dead of the philosophy of Hegel / by Benedetto Croce ; translated from the original text of the third Italian edition, 1912 by Douglas Ainslie