:How Businesses Can Anticipate and Profit from What's Next
/ Eric Garland
New Delhi
: PHI Learning Private Limited
, 2008.
264 p.
: , ill
New York, AMACOM
Introduction: Today's chaos, tomorrow's opportunity - pt. 1. Tools and techniques. Futurism: the antidote to chaos - Systems thinking: a superhighway to change - Analyzing trends: real change vs. media hype - Into the future: making judgments, evaluating forecasts - Strategic implications: what the future means to you - Scenario generation: drawing a picture of the future - Communicating the future-even to the skeptical - pt. 2. Drivers of the future. Aging: preparing for a new grey world - Information technology: falling in price, increasing in power - Health care: new gadgets vs. following doctors' orders - Biotechnoogy: scratching the surface of the secrets of life - Energy: getting more out of less - Nanotechnologies: smaller is better - Media and communications: six billion channels for six billion people - Ecology and sustainability: growth can be good - Epilogue: Where do we go from here?