(Blackwell Concise Companions to Literature and Culture)
Updated ed. of: Adventures in realism. 2007
Foreword / Rachel Bowlby - Introduction : reclaiming realism / Matthew Beaumont - Literary realism reconsidered : the world in its length and breadth / George Levine - Realist synthesis in the nineteenth-century novel : that unity which lies in the selection of our keenest consciousness / Simon Dentith - Space, mobility, and the novel : the spirit of place is a great reality / Josephine McDonagh - Fictions of the real : all truth with malice in it / Terry Eagleton - Naturalism : dirt and horror pure and simple / Sally Ledger - Realism before and after photography : the fantastical form of a relation among things / Nancy Armstrong - The realist aesthetic in painting : serious and committed, ironic and brutal, sincere and full of poetry / Andrew Hemingway - Interrupted dialogues of realism and modernism : the fact of new forms of life, already born and active / Esther Leslie - Socialist realism : to depict reality in its revolutionary development / Brandon Taylor - Realism, modernism, and photography : at last, at last the mask has been torn away / John Roberts - Cinematic realism : a recreation of the world in its own image / Laura Marcus - The current of critical irrealism : a moonlit enchanted night / Michael Leowy - Psychoanalysis and the Lacanian real : strange shapes of the unwarped primal world / Slavoj eZiezek - Feminist theory and the return of the real : what we really want most out of realism / Helen Small - Realism and anti-realism in contemporary philosophy : what's truth got to do with it? / Christopher Norris - Afterword : a note on literary realism / Fredric Jameson
Adventures in Realism
English literature - 19th century - History and criticism
English literature - 20th century - History and criticism