Die Sache : the foundationless ground of legal meaning /Francis J. Mootz III - Faces face to face /Jan M. Broekman - Tarski, Peirce and Truth-Correspondences in law : can semiotic Truth-Analysis Adequately describe legal discourse /Paul Van Fleet - History and semiotics : preliminary thoughts /William A. Pencak - Teaching law and semiotic-sensitivity in the life and career of John Reed, founder of the Dickinson School of Law /William E. Butler - Initiating the two legal cultures of the early United States /William A. Pencak - Common law lawyers should mind their trial practices : understanding, identifying and correcting a semiotic imbalance / Edward J. Cyran - Semiotics in legal theory design /Jeffrey A.Ellsworth - Semiotics of parenthood in legal perspective : using semiotic tools to deconstruct legal determinations of who holds parenthood obligations and privileges / Michelle L. Wirth - Michael H. v. Gerald D. : a case study of political ideology disguised in legal thought /Jeffrey A. Ellsworth - Trademarks, a social perspective /Elizabeth Karnezos - Trademarks as a system of signs /Meghann L. Garrett - The semiotics of "public use" : "use the purpose by which all may benefit" /Nathan Harvill