Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy
/ Edited by G.A.J. Rogers, Tom Sorell and Jill Kraye
New York
: Routledge
, 2010.
vii, 325 p.
(Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy
; 12)
Introduction : the creation of the canon / G.A.J. Rogers - Pt. I, Outsiders. Becoming and outsider : Gassendi in the history of philosophy / Margaret J. Osler ; Sir Kenelm Digby, recusant philosopher / John Henry ; Theophilus Gale and historiography of philosophy / Stephen Pigney ; The standing of Ralph Cudworth as a philosopher / Benjamin Carter ; Nicholas Malebranche : insider or outsider? / Andrew Pyle - Pt. II, Insiders. Descartes. Excusable caricature and philosophical relevance : the case of Descartes / Tom Sorell ; Descartes' reputation / John Cottingham ; The political motivations of Heidegger's anti-Cartesianism / Emmanuel Faye ; Hobbes. Hobbes' reputation in Anglo-American philosophy / Tom Sorell ; A farewell to Leviathan : Foucault and Hobbes on power, sovereignty and war / Luc Foisneau ; Spinoza. Spinoza past and present / Wiep van Bunge ; Benedictus pantheissimus / Steven Nadler ; Locke. The standing and reputation of John Locke / G.A.J. Rogers ; The reputation of Locke's general philosophy in Britain in the twentieth century / Michael Ayers ; Leibniz. Leibniz's reputation : the Fontenelle tradition / Daniel Garber ; Leibniz's reputation in the eighteenth century : Kant and Herder / Catherine Wilson ; The reception of Leibniz's philosophy in the twentieth century / Robert Merrihew Adams.
Routledge studies in seventeenth-century philosophy