Introduction : law and the brain / Michael Freeman - What neuroscience can (and cannot) tell us about criminal responsibility / Walter Glannon - Mens rea, logic, and the brain / Gert-Jan Lockhorst - Indeterminism and control : an approach to the problem of luck / John Martin Fischer - Neuroscience and criminal responsibility : proving "can't help himself" as a narrow bar to criminal liability / Henry T. Greely - Madness, badness, and neuroimaging-based responsibility assessments / Nicole A. Vincent - Brain images as evidence in the criminal law / Adina L. Roskies and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - The neural correlates of third-party punishment / Joshua W. Buckholtz ... [et al.]. - Law, neuroscience, and criminal culpability / Lisa Claydon - How (some) criminals are made / Theodore Y. Blumoff - Neuroscience and penal law : ineffectiveness of the penal systems and flawed perception of the under-evaluation of behaviour constituting crime. The particular case of crimes regarding intangible goods / David Terracina - Neuroscience and emotional harm in tort law : rethinking the American approach to free-standing emotional distress claims / Betsy J. Grey - Neuroscience and ideology : why science can never supply a complete answer for adolescent maturity / June Carbone - Adolescent brain science and juvenile justice / Terry A. Maroney -- The neuroscience of cruelty as brain damage : legal framings of capacity and ethical issues in the neurorehabilitation of motor neurone disease and and behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia / Robin Mackenzie and Mohamed Sakel. The carmentis machine : legal and ethical issues in the use of neuroimaging to guide treatment withdrawl in newborn infants / Dominic Wilkinson and Charles Foster - The right to silence protects mental control / Dov Fox - Minds apart : severe brain injury, citizenship, and civil rights / Joseph J. Fins - Reciprocity and neuroscience in public health law / A.M. Viens - Pathways to persuasion : how neuroscience can inform the study and practice of law / Cheryl Boudreau, Seana Coulson, and Mathew D. McCubbins - The juridical role of emotions in the decisional process of popular juries / Laura Caprano - Possible legal implications of neural mechanisms underlying ethical behaviour / Donald Pfaff and Sandra Sherman - What Hobbes left out : the neuroscience of compassion and its implications for a new common-wealth / James D. Duffy - Neuroscience and the free exercise of religion / Steven Goldberg - Steps toward a constructivist and coherentist theory of judicial reasoning in civil law tradition / Enrique Caaceres - Evolutionary jurisprudence : the end of the naturalistic fallacy and the beginning of natural reform? / Morris B. Hoffman - The history of scientific and clinical images in mid-to-late nineteenth-century American legal culture : implications for contemporary law and neuroscience / Daniel S. Goldberg - Lost in translation? : an essay on law and neuroscience / Stephen J. Morse.